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Dream Team's Kennels 20th Anniversary!

This counter was added Oct. 2007

Home of the 2013 Nationals Working Champion, Dream Team's Trotter, CGC, Sch BH, PSA-PDC, IPO 1A, etc.

DREAM TEAM KENNELS Est. 1998 (20 years of a Winning Tradition in the Show ring & Working field)


We are the "QUINTESSENTIAL" Working Cane Corso breeder in North America! (We have produced Show & Working Champions)

           Dream Team's Trotter & Zora
2012 Working Cane Corso Dog/Bitch of the Year!

Home of Dream Team's Trotter & Dream Team's Zora
*2009 SACCI Nationals Olympic Dog Winner
*2009 SACCI Northeast Region Working Dog & Bitch 
*2010 SACCI Northeast Region Working Dog
*2010 SACCI Nationals Hardest Hitting Male & Female
*2011 SACCI Raduno Hardest Hitting Male & Female
*2011 SACCI Raduno Top PSA (mock) Cane Corso
*2011 SACCI National Specialty Top Working Male
*2011 SACCI National Specialty Hardest Hitting Male
*2012 SACCI Raduno Hardest Hitting Male
*2012 SACCI Raduno Top Working Male
*2012 SACCI Working Cane Corso Dog & Bitch of the Year!
*2013 SACCI Nationals Working Champion!

2011 SACCI National Speciality Top Working Male
2011 SACCI National Speciality Hardest Hitting Male "Trotter"

*SACCI = Society in America for Cane Corso Italiano

Interview with Ish by Frank 151 magazine in 2004.

 Proud members of the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)

     Here at Dream Team Kennels our mission is to breed world class Dogs.  In order for this to happen the dogs must have these three attributes in common:  type, temperament and soundness.  If a breeder intends to breed dogs of high quality that consistently win in the show ring and perform the jobs they were originally bred to perform, their dogs must possess all three.

     If our dogs do not posess all three qualties they are not bred.  Type, temperment and soundness must coexist with our dogs.  Because a world class specimen bred for the show ring and working ability, must not only look spectacular and awe inspriring, it must also move effortlessly with powerful gait that denotes strength, confidence and beauty.  Therefore, it is important that all pieces of our dogs must fit together properly.

     Dream Team Kennels have a combined experience of over 30 + years of training, working, showing raising, breeding, fostering, rescuing and veterinary technical experience.  That's why we feel confident in our mission.

     We specialize in working Cane Corso, Fila Sao Miguel & Boerboels.  We also sell fully trained protection dogs.  We are World Class Cane Corso Breeders, and Boerboel Breeders. Qualified dog trainers in North and South Carolina. We offer everything for your canines needs.  

     We welcome you to come visit our 21 acre dog compound in North Carolina.  Make an appointment today!

Dream Team's Incredible Hulk!
4 generations of excellence!


Dream Team Cane Coso Italiano, breeder with puppies in NC, for Show, Working and Companion dogs.

Some Kennels buy Champions, We produce them!
3 x 1st Place Winner Italy's Nationals 2002
Fronte Porto HD-B, son of Italian Champion Vento HD-A

Pet Dreams 1# Training Fac. in Wash, DC 2004-2007
Borading, Doggie Day Care, Dog Boutique, Dog Walking, Pet Sitting, etc.

Cane Corso Deposit


Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list for sales and specials!

You can e-mail us at:

Click here!


CaneCorsi@gmail.com 804-677-1695

Here at Dream Team Cane Corso we are Cane Corso breeders producing quality Cane Corso puppies for sale with full temperaments.  We produce all colors, black cane corso, brindle cane corso, fawn cane corso, red cane corso, blue cane corso  and formentino cane corso.  We breed Working Lines and Show Lines!