Valent TT, WAT 1,2, 3, CAL 1, 2 |
88 lbs. |
Valent is a Special Executive Personal Protection dog (level 3) with TT, WAT 1, 2, 3, CAL
1,2 Tittles.
Valent has been trained to protect against car jacking. Give him the Alert command and he is on guard. If anyone approaches
he quickly engages with very strong grip and will not let ago until his out command is given. After he outs he will still
be on guard.
WAT ( Working Aptitude Test) CAL ( Certificate of Aptitude to Work)
Quest for Victory |
96 lbs. |
Victor, what an amazing animal! |
Valent is a 4 year old male Fila Sao Miguel. Valent is a very tough
dog with strong instincts. He has very strong nerves, he is not uneasy with strange footing, water, loud nosies, gun shots,
stick hits, etc.
With proper training you could do any thing with him. He is a very hard worker and loves to please.
If you allow, he will let people pet him, but on command that same person he would show aggression in the blink of an eye.
No matter what they do, it will not intimidate him. If they challenge him, he will take a full bite. If they try and fight
back he will bite harder, deeper and/or shake until they stop and you give the out command. At any time he can be deploy
off leash to stop any threat.
Victor in Portugal |
Has any one seen Victor? Last seen in South Carolina. |